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Place your order





We accept:

  • e-transfer

  • CASH

  • Credit or debit tap

  • Credit card number over the phone
    Please include your method of payment and your phone number and if you would like to leave a gratuity

Order Pick Up Instructions:

  • Come to the front door and line up on the left porch. 

  • A shopkeeper will instruct you on where to pay so you can just pick up and take off!




& Hours

Highway 331

 Lahave, Nova Scotia
B0R 1C0


Open every day
9am to 4pm 


We have opened for LUNCH! Available from 9-3 pm everyday.

Come to the front door and wait there for instructions.

Line up on the porch

to the LEFT of the door.

For faster service give us some time and call 902-688-2908.


Thank you so much for your support during these challenging times. We are all working very hard to provide this service for our community. Our bakers, cooks, and shopkeepers appreciate your patience and kindness.

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